Sunday, February 24, 2013

Solar Osmosis

Look to the sky for the last time,
The Sun splits in two,
One last thought in mind,
Left bleeds red as right bleeds blue.
We scream for salvation,
But no one comes,
We cry at the sight,
Two menacing Suns.

Fallen, One Of Them

When will they learn
This sweet little race.
I watched from above
Till I came to this place.

And once I came down here
I soon realized,
The Light had been shunned
And darkness was prized.

As I learned my direction
And quickly forgot,
I was now just a human
Like the rest of the lot.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Gettin' Back to It

Hello hello... Anybody there? *echo*
I'm thinking this blog needs a little more activity! I guess I'll kick start this "relaunch" with my first sketch in about 11 months. I'm a little rusty but slowly getting back into the groove :)