Saturday, October 30, 2010


You make me feel amazing,
just the way I like.

Its bad for me,
yet I continue to do it,
but only in moderation.

I love you,
and hate you.

You make me think,
you slow things down.

You slow things down...
You tempt me.


Unknown said...

I'm diggin this write James!

Dustin_Shane said...

I enjoyed this. And I am excited that the blog has a new post!!! It has been a minute even for me to post anything but I am glad to see this. So are you talking to tempation itself or whom/whatever it is that tempts you? I could totally get into some deep convo about this for sure. Keep it up man. Good stuff.

James G said...

Its something. :) In which I shouldn't be tempted towards. xD