Friday, July 30, 2010

Farewell --- To Miller


Dirt roads,
And pinecones,
Out late,
And irate,

All things that are memories,
From this precious little town.

And town fairs,
Seems just like,
I’m fighting tears,

And go-carts,
Spray paint,
And duck tape,

Some of the few things,
That never seem to fail.

Laughing out loud,
Not being too sound,
I’m sure gunna miss,
Those old friends,

With the bad behave-ya,

With the quirk,

And the best,
The dearest of them all,
With the Soul,
Who could light up a room,
With just some move,
Whose humor,
Is actually humorous,
And tales,
With bales,
For of course,
Ole Possum & Tater,

So I abide Farewell,
From this small little town,
Which has grown apart of me,
For the past six years.

Farewell Farewell,
You dirty old town,
I love you to death,
But it’s time to move on.

You’ll be missed,
For I can’t dismiss,
Your dirt roads,
Or anything close,

Farewell my friend,
But don’t pretend,
That it’s the end.

I am moving to Columbia, MO, July 31st, for college. I just want to say, that I’m going to miss you Nicole, and I love you dude, so much. I hope everything works out for you!


Unknown said...

Aww James! :( I'm gonna miss you too man. This poem is great! I'm saving this to my computer. :)

Dustin_Shane said...

Hey. I like the rhyme scheme first off. And just the layout of it in general is really cool. Second, congrats with getting out of there and starting your life man. I know the best thing I have ever done for myself was to get the hell away from there. There are good memories I'll always cherish, but more bad ones that make me never want to return. And I love your description of Miss Nicole. She is definately one-of-a-kind. I hold her very dear to myself as well so we can agree on that. I also like that you have said farewell in a literary sense by writing your feelings of leaving down. That is very cool. All in all, great job.

Unknown said...


Tayla. (: said...

Man oh man.
Let me tell ya.
Getting out of Miller was something amazing.
I really liked it.
It made me smile and laugh on some parts.
Good job! (: