Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sweet Memory

Remember moonlit strolls we shared,
Below those sacred cliffs,
Before we laughed, we loved, or cared,
Ere tide came in on shifts.


Unknown said...

Short and sweet. I love it.

Dustin_Shane said...

I wrote it when I was living up in Miller here while back. I actually had probably ten stanzas total when I first wrote it. But the first one got my point across very well so I cut out the rest of it.

Tanya said...

Excellent work Dustin! The feeling and vision is there. This is when you know it's a wonderful poem!

Tayla. (: said...

Reminds me some what of something Mr. Poe would say.

Dustin_Shane said...

I can see this correlation now that you mention it. I did read his work quite thoroughly and he is one of the many poets who inspired me to write. Thank you very much.