Friday, July 23, 2010

To Insanity,
When will we soon meet? I have been awaiting your arrival with great appreciation, terror, and joy. My skull is yours for the taken! My overwhelming anticipation is blowing my eyes apart, and across my floor. With a fickerfacker splat! A roach comes from under the stove to clam his prize! My God! God? HA God! I cant wait for our meeting, and for us to make the walking stand so straight their spines snap. As they scream pressurized compressed power vomit across the pavement and for the skin to peel from their faces, and slung to stick amongst the buildings. There go the skeletons as their spines collapse! My friend you our true. Can anyone be trusted? I'm bored. My stomach burns, the acid feels soon to spume from my idiotic speak hole. I'm rambling, but so in love with the unexpected, creeping feeling you bring. My continuous drug, you've dwelt within me all along.



Dustin_Shane said...

Whoa! This is some crazy business yo. Mind blowing visuals come out of this. Very awesome.

Whitney said...

Thank you, my new style lately in writing is to make it a visual as possible. something that makes u go fuck that guys wierd! but thanks it just came out of my head to write a letter to my head about my im insane and so is everybody else their just to scared to show it.

Whitney said...

that was derick by the way iam just on whits thing

Tayla. (: said...

This made me think "what the hell?"
Haha. But I liked it. It sounds like some kind of person locked up in solitary confinment wrote this or something lol. Good stuff.