Saturday, September 4, 2010

Unfamiliar Footfalls Pt. 3

After staring into the darkness in terror for a while I built up the courage to go to the doorway. I peered into the blackness for a second and shut the door. The temperature in my room slowly became normal again. I went back to my bed and layed down. This couldn't be Daddy messing with me, he wouldn't take the time to try to scare me like this.

I rested my head back on my soft pillow and thought. All the while I had my eyes glued to the bedroom door. I woke in the morning realizing I had dozed off. I was exhausted, but the events of last night still swarmed questions in my head. Mommy was cooking breakfast, and the smell of bacon and eggs got me out of bed and into the kitchen.

Should I tell Mommy about what had happened? I was sure that if i said anything she would just blow it off as nonsense. I decided to keep my mouth shut. After breakfast I spent most of my day outside in the dry heat, anything to stay away from Daddy's abuse. He was drinking and angry today, he and Mommy were fighting. This was my only escape.

Nightfall finally came and I anticipated the worst from what I thought to be some ghostly apparition. Daddy wasn't a worry at the moment, he had gotten wasted and left the house for the night and I could hear Mommy in her room crying from the days events. I didn't know how I could help her or what to say to make things better. Words couldn't make things better right now. I stayed in bed for hours waiting for the encounter I had the previous night. There was nothing. It was a peaceful night.

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