Friday, February 4, 2011

Old Revolver

Far from finished, I still have a lot of shading and detail to do but I'm taking a little break on it to work on a painting. So what do you guys think? I have a ton of tweaking to do on the barrel, getting the lighting/shading right and everything.


Dustin_Shane said...

As usual. You never cease to amaze me. Looks great even if it ain't finished. Damn I wish I had that kind of drawing skill. Love it girl. Can't wait to see it when it's finished as well.

Unknown said...

Thanks :D

James G said...

I love this! :) I miss you Nicole!

Unknown said...

Thank you! Miss you too :(

salamander said...

New to this site...but LOVE your work already!!! I think your barrels look good! Looks finished to me! :O)