Saturday, February 19, 2011

What's changed?

I'm the same person,
in the same house,
the same friends
and the same values.

But whats changed?
You treat me differently,
like I've killed something,
or someone.

You ignore me now,
like I'm nothing,
and thats what it makes me feel like,
like nothing.

So whats changed?
Did I do something terrible,
without my knowing?
Or do I just make you angry now,
because I'm myself?
Or is that I'm content with my life,
and don't need material items to fulfill my self want,
or love.
Unlike you.

You said I was your bestfriend at one point in time,
but it seems to be all lies,
that run through my head every second,
of everyday.

I just do not understand,
why this has to be,
what happened?
Whats changed?


Unknown said...

All that matters James is that your happy now. I'm glad things are getting better for you. Don't let anyone bring you down. I can definitely relate to this. Good write :)

Dustin_Shane said...

Wow. I've been on both sides of this spectrum. This really opens my eyes though. You get DOUB THUMBS UP.