Friday, August 6, 2010


The demons that make their way to me have the most respect
Pain comes with happiness
And for that
I'll gladly embrace them both as if they depended on me
Because I wont let them go

I found what kept me motivated
And I've touched, smelled, and tasted it.
Most of all
I loved it
It doesn't matter that it's now gone
I can still see it in my dreams

I can see you

Don't tell me that you're doing okay
I need you to hurt for me
I need you to need me
But no
I wont go down that road anymore
The love is fading away
I'll just try to keep my head up high
Like this is just a new start
I know it'll be hard, but I'll get by


Dustin_Shane said...

When Kirstin and I broke up (thank God for that blessing) I was not in love with her but however I distinctly remember thinking your exact words:

"I need you to hurt for me, I need you to need me..."

It is crazy how we feel after a breakup isn't it? Especially when looking back after having healed from the pain.

Tayla. (: said...

Yeah! Lol. I hate breakups.
Like..for everyone.
It sucks!
And even though sometimes we may lose our love for that person, we still care in a way.
I guess we just have big hearts.