Monday, August 23, 2010

Letter to You.

It's not like you were The One for me.
If such a person exists.
I bite my tongue to keep from spitting fire.
I loathe the very thought of someone like you.
And for some reason, I miss you.
I miss the good times.
The bad times don't matter.
I know that I loved you, flaws and all.
And the more I try to hold on, the more I want to hold you.
But I know that this wont work.
I know that we were not meant to be.
I'll accept that.
I'm still trying to figure out how to rid you from my thoughts.
One day I will see your face, and I wont even care.
So until then, take care for me.


Dustin_Shane said...

These tough times will get better dear! Is this a recent work? I enjoyed it. The way you wrote it allows me to visualize exactly how you feel.

Whitney said...

I agree with Dustin. Your writing has a way of letting the reader vizualize and feel your emotions. I really enjoy reading your poetry.