Sunday, August 8, 2010

I need some opinions.

Okay so..the only thing that has really made me feel good has been writing.
And lately I have been wanting to write a novel or something on zombies.
I am so tired of vampies haha so I thought I'd change it up a bit.

So..I was thinking that the setting should be in the United States, usually I do stories in different countries but this time I want to be sure I know certain areas and street names and what not.

I'm not sure about the characters yet. I was wondering if I should make it just with one person or multiple? And what gender, age, race, all that stuff.

It's like..going to be the zombie apocalypse deal. Hahaha.
I was thinking that the main character was in a coma for years and years do to some form of injury and when he/she wakes up the whole zombie deal has happened.

Or maybe the person was in prision or something? So they were locked down in a sound proof place? And he/she didn't know what was happening?

UGH! So many options! Haha. Any opinions or ideas would be fanstasic. I will give credit. :D

1 comment:

Tanya said...

Hi Tayla,

Just a thought;
Maybe the manuscript is based around a family and close friends who were held up in a doomsday shelter for an extended period of time. The family emerges finally to discover the rest of the population consist soley of disfigured people/zombies.

Good luck on the story.