Thursday, August 26, 2010


Whats the scariest moment of your life?
I'd rather not think about those moments,
They are cruel and heartbreaking
Yet they make you stronger.

Losing the most precious people in your life
Watching it in slow motion....
In reality its happening in an instant,
A second in time that could change your life forever.

All the while praying to God,
A God that might not even exsist.
Grasping for any kind of hope to hang on to,
To keep you sane.

Then the hope is found,
And it seems God has answered!
Though in reality it was amazing luck,
Luck that I'm truly thankful for.

The physical pain afterwards is just a reminder,
A warning for next time.
Even though hoping there is never a next time like this.
I can still hold my loving family in my arms.

Nothing is as bad as it seems right?
Things could always be worse.
In most situations its the truth.
But not in all situations.

Hold on tight to what is dear to you,
Never take it for granted.
Life can be taken in a matter of seconds,
In a matter of heartbeats.


Dustin_Shane said...

Whoa. This is probably the most powerful thing I have seen on this blog so far. Everything about it is spellbinding. Thank God you three are okay.

Whitney said...

Thanks Dustin, I'm not the greatest writer but I wanted to get my feelings out and this is the perfect place to do so.

Dustin_Shane said...

Well I am glad you came here to do so. And in my book this poem shows that you have an outstanding way with words. Not only do you paint pictures with your hands but you also paint pictures with your words.

Whitney said...

Thanks Dustin.