Monday, August 9, 2010

Let's Play A Writing Game

Last night while I was talking to my very good friend Tayla on the phone, she mentioned a great idea for a story writing activity which sounded amazing. We are all on here to share our work with one another and get some positive, constructive feedback. Also we are here to build relationships with a foundation of common interest in the arts. So, a very good way to bring people together would be a community story. This is the idea Tayla brought up in our conversation. I am sure some of you have heard of this type of story or may have even participated in one at school. Some English teachers have been known to do this. For some reason I have a memory of doing this only once before. Here is how it works: Momentarily I will be posting a beginning to a story complete with a couple paragraphs in order to get it started. I will end it at a random part. At this point, one of you can take over and lead the story where you want it to go. You may change the point and storyline completely if you wish. Feel free to make it crazy or multi-genre if you see fit. The idea is to spark some writing interest and/or creativity while having fun seeing where the story will go. This is not closed to any certain authors of the Library so anyone may join in, take a turn, and put in their part of the story. Regardless of your specialty whether it be painting, drawing, photography, etc., I would like to invite everyone to join in. How we will do this is when you post your part type the title of the story as the title of your post as follows in this example:

*Title Pt. 1*, *Title Pt. 2*, *Title Pt. 3*, and so forth.

This will keep readers and authors from getting confused as there will be other posts in between the sections of the story as we all work together to complete it. Tackle your section at any moment in time. It is unlikely that any two authors will be posting at exactly the same time but should it happen do not worry about it. And if you have more ideas and wish to add more of your own input into the story feel free to do so. There are no restrictions on how many times you can contribute to the story. This is a group project and it can go on as long as we wish to keep adding to it. I am very excited to see how this will turn out. This will be one of many projects to come that as a group we can tackle with our artistic minds. I hope you all will join right in there as this story will belong to every one of us just as this Library does.

I hope you are all well and I look forward to working with you all on this story. Keep on creating!


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