Saturday, August 14, 2010

Unfamiliar Footfalls (Pt. 1)

*Note: This is the beginning to the group story activity. Once you have read it, if you have an idea as to where it could or should go please post your part as soon as you wish to do so.*

One evening after supper I was sitting before the window gazing at the desert land which we called Home. Daddy called it "God's Waste Land" for it was nothing but sand and rock. It never rained and plants were nowhere to be found. The days were long, hot, and very dry. Although it was quite the wonder to behold what with no end in sight. Which was a good enough reason to be called "God's Waste Land"; it was amazing but terrible at the same time.

As I looked off into the distance with the faint hope I always had of some stranger or sign of life coming to renew our sense of life, there was a peculiar sound coming from the bottom of the stairs. It sounded like loud footfalls which I knew could not belong to Mommy or Daddy. Slowly but surely I could hear this noise begin to make it's way up the stairs. I remained motionless due to my curiosity. I was a little scared but intrigued as well.

Nothing ever changed here in "God's Waste Land". No one came to see us. The only animals to be found here were snakes and the occasional coyote. The air was stiflingly hot all-year-round. So it was quite the surprise to have heard this strange noise within my house.

When the noise reached the top of the stairs it stopped. Dead silence again ruled the air. At this point I remember being so much more terrified than curious as the silence began to drive me crazy. The noise was something I had never heard before. Within a moment of deciding to go check out what was really going on around there, the odd footfalls began again, coming toward the direction of my room. My heart damn near stopped as the noise stopped outside of my door.

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