Friday, August 27, 2010

What does it take?

As another day passes,
As our lives go on.
Somewhere people gather in great masses,
To remember a loved one now gone.
Lost to war not in peace,
Dying for a greater cause.
Will this tragedy ever cease?
Please take some time to pause.
Lost to a losing war,
Where is the right in that?
The government says we are opening a door,
But where is this door at?
War is wrong,
It takes so much from us.
Still politicians sing that same song,
And tell us all we need is trust.
When government can justify death,
As the only answer.
When all that’s left,
Is a feeling that eats at you like cancer.
Where then do we put our trust,
Or our lives?
As the country’s pleas turn to dust,
The government still spends time spreading lies.
Protest against war,
Take a stand.
Together we can find a cure,
We need one as fast as we can.
Speak out against wrongs,
Forgetting politicians.
We’ve been in this too long,
It’s like an addiction.
Bring the rest of those brave solders home,
To stay.
We need more than their voices on the phone,
We need them here today.
Bring them home to rest,
They’ve done what they can for our country,
Nothing but the best,
What else does it take?
Hundreds more dying,
All those innocent people?
Our whole country crying,
And praying under the nearest steeple?

God bless those souls,
And let the wrongs turn to right.
For those who paid this horrible toll,
This should not end in a fight.
Do the right thing,
Government officials this means you to.
Speak, go out on that wing,
And do what our country so desperately needs us to do.

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