Sunday, August 15, 2010

Unfamiliar Footfalls. (Part 2)

I sat on my bed with my heart pounding in my chest. I could hear it in my ears so loud that it wasn't so silent in the room anymore. I got a chill all through my body as I waited for something. Anything to happen. I always believed in ghosts and spirits and what have you, but I just never saw one before. I tried getting up and heading over to the door, but my body was frozen in place. Whatever this thing was why did it choose my door to stop in front of? Was this daddy playing a joke on me? It was Halloween afterall. But he never seemed the type do pull this sort of prank. He was more of the uptight army strict father, my mother was the wife that automatically obeyed whatever he said. And with my free spirit and natural curiousity for life, one could wonder how I survived this routined life. Well, it wasn't easy that's for sure. I don't know how many times I've been beaten by daddy. Mommy couldn't do anything about it but watch with fearful eyes. She tried pulling him off me once, she ended up with a black eye and a busted lip. Last time she ever tried to help me.

My thoughts were slienced as I heard the doorknob turn slightly. I jumped up quickly and ran to the door, holding the knob. I was shaking at this point, not sure what was going on. I realized how silly this was. This isn't a horror movie. No monster was going to pop out and attack me. That was nonsense. It must be daddy checking on me or something. So to avoid a future beating I opened the door and froze. There was nothing there. Nothing but blackness. I suddenly felt cold everywhere. The hair on my body rose and goosebumps appeared on my arms. It was the most creepy moment in my life, and that's really saying something. I shrugged and quickly shut my door again and locked it. I stood there facing it for a few seconds before walking back to my bed.

All was going well until the doorknob turned again. I jerked my head towards the door with wide eyes. What the hell was going on? Really? I decided to ignore it because it was probably just the natural sounds of the house. I was too tired at this point to even care anymore. I rested my head back on the pillow and snuggled up to my blanket. I went into a light sleep, enough to dream for a second then a sound woke me up.

My bedroom door swung open and slammed against the wall. I jumped up into a sitting position and backed up into the wall. I focused my eyes in the blackness of the room. Nothing was standing there at all. Just the same blackness as before. I could feel my heart pounding again. Once again the room got freezing cold, which was odd because it was always hot here. I actually shivered and had to pull the covers up to my neck. I squinted into the dark but couldn't see anything. I didn't want to move.

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