Friday, August 6, 2010

What once was, is now lost.

People should not be worried for us
They don't understand what this feels like for us
You taught me that I belonged to this
To this irregular beating of our hearts

Without you here and half of me
I feel so empty
I try to ignore the emotions that constantly build up inside when I think
of how we used to be
I was your everything.
You were everything to me.
Its not right that we had to see this pass
I was not ready to feel this way again
But what can I do today
What can be done by me to see you happy again

If I truly believe that this will be alright
Then I know some light has found it's way to my heart
It's a fact that I love you and nothing will change my mind
But this love is not what we once had anymore

And it keeps trying to kick me down
But I came from heaven, I pray to Him above
So I'm used to looking up and holding my head high
If you wont love me I know He'll be here to collect it Himself

( this was like..a couple days after my ex and me brokeup. Boo fricking hoo. LOL. I honestly can care less anymore but I figured I'd post this and see how my writing progresses and how my emotions and feelings change over time. I am now with someone else so all is well.)


Dustin_Shane said...

"Without you here and half of me, I feel so empty..."

Something about this line speaks to me and I cannot quite put my finger on it. But whatever it is I like it.

Again the free verse technique you have is great.

Tayla. (: said...

I had this theory.
When two people love each other and are together, they are one.
Half and half.
That's why when you are apart you feel empty, because they took a part of you with them.
I mean distance as well as breaking up.

Dustin_Shane said...

Well your theory is damn near perfect dear. In the Bible it talks of two hearts becoming one in the Lord when two people truly love one another.

Tayla. (: said...

I was pretty much right on it then!

Tayla. (: said...

I was pretty much right on it then!