Thursday, July 22, 2010

From Dustin_Shane To The Authors

Hey everyone. I hope you are all doing well. First I would like to take a moment to thank you all whole-heartedly for joining the Library and really making it begin to take off as I had hoped for. There are already wonderful posts and works submitted by you. I am amazed at the confidence level seen here by the works of you talented artists. It is simply awesome and I know the future of this place has some amazing things coming.

As you will notice, there have been some changes made to the layout of the blog. First with the archive of the posts. It looks more orderly now that we can actually read the list. There is also located on the same side a box where I will list thanks and due compliments to those who submit some changes of their own. I urge you all to help in making this place look top-of-the-line. We can have as many quotes and pictures and whatever else as you please. These contributions will be accepted happily by me. I have mentioned before this is OUR blog, so we ALL own it. Any suggestions and content such as pictures or quotes may be sent to me any time at On the opposite side (right side) you will notice a list of the authors who join this blog shown in alphabetical order. As people join I will keep it updated and add names. I have decided to do this because even though our names are posted with each post we submit, I want viewers, guests, and followers to know the names of the amazing people in this community. They are not hyperlinks. Lastly, we now have a picture for the header of the Library. I found it quite fitting as it is a work of art in itself. It is a very good photo.

Well, I will close for now but before I do so, once again, THANK YOU ALL!!! It has warmed my heart to see things get moving on here. May peace and love come to you all. Keep on creating!

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