Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Quick Notification

Hey everyone. I wanted to inform you all that we have three web links thus far located on the left side of the blog. The first is to my grandmother Linda's website for her American Eskimo breeding business. The second is the site where you can find Nicole's fantastic photography skills. The third is my aunt Tanya's website displaying some of her poetry and back story on her wonderful family. On Tanya's website there is also a link to the HCI online bookstore. Check them out when you get a chance. These are some good sites. I cannot wait for more to come so do not be shy if you have a website you would like to broadcast.

In the very near future I will be posting a summary for each website listed in the links section. I will be thoroughly going through each one so that I may give you an overlook of the cool things each site contains.

Keep on creating!


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