Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Half Past Ten

She laid there with his note in hand,
Softly crying and so glad,
To have his love right there in words,
The greatest gift she ever had.

He’d given her a necklace,
With a heart he said was his,
Said, “Now it’s with you everywhere,”
He sealed it with a kiss.

And then that very night,
She read his love again,
And holding his heart within her hand,
She died at half past ten.

This was inspired by photographs on Nicole's page she has listed a link to. If you check out her page see if you can spot the photos which brought this out of me. I am so glad to have written something. I was in a bit of a dry spot. Thank you Nicole for the inspiration. This literally came out within five minutes of looking through your work.


Unknown said...

Oh wow I LOVE this! I can't believe such a lovely poem was inspired by my photographs! I'm honored :)

Dustin_Shane said...

Thank you. There are more coming where that one came from. I found that your photos really inspire my writing.

Tanya said...

Absolutely my favorite, beautiful wording and the flow is astounding.

Dustin_Shane said...

Thank you Tanya. As I have said before it means a lot to me when you like my work. Kinda like when Nicole likes it. It makes me feel better about how I write.

Tanya said...

My eyes are watering from that one. You have become a fine young man Dustin, very talented and I am very proud of you.